Well, it only took nine years* (and let's ignore the monetary cost, for the moment), but I finally did get through the whole system - wrote the dissertation (The Theory and Praxis of Makam in Classical Turkish Music 1910-2010**), defended it, filed. That makes me "Dr. Eric," I reckon. Now we'll see if there is any work available in the field of ethnomusicology - whee!
As with my last post, I do not really intend to post anything here ever again, but since I don't know how to make the thing go away, and in any case it serves as an interesting archive of the research period, well, here it remains. You can better keep up with me at "Eric Ederer dot com," if that is of interest - thanks for stopping by!
(*The 9 years included a prerequisite master's degree in the same subject - it was slow, but not that slow.) (**Eventually the dissertation will be available at the UCSB Music Library, and through ProQuest/UMI; for now you can see the abstract here, anyway.)